

We are a creative studio that develops communication strategies. We enhance businesses through four main hubs.
Maverick es un estudio creativo multidisciplinario, nos enfocamos en desarrollar identidad gráfica, estrategia y posicionamiento, empaques, exhibiciones e instalaciones, sitios web y experiencias digitales, publicidad y comunicación


The supply area of Coca Cola FEMSA took on the task of increasing the value of their operation models and thus transforming the purchasing experience of their end consumers.

The goal was to disseminate and promote the new operation model with all their employees, which is why we worked on the idea of translating all their new processes and service models into a graphic language, and compiling them into a single document that could serve as a guide tool for this new transformation stage.

We created a 92-page brochure, where our main objective was to use infographic schemes to help users easily understand the new processes. We named this document the Handbook.