

We are a creative studio that develops communication strategies. We enhance businesses through four main hubs.
Maverick es un estudio creativo multidisciplinario, nos enfocamos en desarrollar identidad gráfica, estrategia y posicionamiento, empaques, exhibiciones e instalaciones, sitios web y experiencias digitales, publicidad y comunicación

At Unbranded, we believe in living our dreams, and all it takes is a little push - that spark of energy that propels us to do things we never thought possible, that VOLT that changes our lives.

Our aim with this advertisement was to create and strengthen our alliance with the "Volter". VOLT is the extra boost we need to turn our dreams into reality.

Music played a central role in our approach, as it is a universal language that resonates with everyone. We all have a song or a moment in the day when we feel like rockstars, whether it's in the shower or on the way to work.

We created a concept that connects with our consumers and makes an impact in the shortest time possible, so that our message is clear and memorable.

Our storytelling centers around dreams that seem impossible, but with VOLT, they become more real than we could ever imagine.