

We are a creative studio that develops communication strategies. We enhance businesses through four main hubs.
Maverick es un estudio creativo multidisciplinario, nos enfocamos en desarrollar identidad gráfica, estrategia y posicionamiento, empaques, exhibiciones e instalaciones, sitios web y experiencias digitales, publicidad y comunicación


As we start a new year, we probably set many goals and resolutions to achieve. Although it's hard to get back to work after the holiday season, in January we feel motivated and hopeful about the challenges ahead. But then February comes, and our constant productivity starts to decline.



Whether you're an entrepreneur, freelancer, or part of a team in a company, the tips I share with you today will help you maintain your productivity levels throughout the day. However, without falling into toxic positivity..


1. Wake up early. Imagine having two or three hours to complete your activities without any distraction or interruption, whether it's work-related or personal. These hours are the first of the dawn. Take advantage of this moment and focus on your tasks or complete activities that could take away from your work time during the day.


2. Set daily goals. A big mistake is trying to do everything in one day, which only overwhelms our brain and makes us feel more tired. Define three activities to accomplish today and focus only on these.


3. Complete the activities you dislike first. Don't procrastinate the tasks you don't like because you have to do them at some point. Stop procrastinating and put an end to your nightmares.


4. Disconnect from technology (if your job is in the field) or avoid distractions (if you work online, like us). Turn off notifications that can interrupt you and avoid checking your social media. Instead, you can stretch or take a short walk to give yourself a break.


5. Share your tasks with someone. It's been proven that when you share your tasks with someone else, it generates greater commitment and responsibility. That's why at Unbranded, we have daily status meetings where we organize our activities for the day and solve concerns.


All these tips are 100% tested by us, and we don't recommend anything we haven't tried. So we invite you to take them into account and also share with us what your habits are to stay productive in your day-to-day.